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About Bho!

Bho! is an Interests based social networking platform that lets you Meet, Chat and Share with like-minded people from all over the world and there is more; Free Music, Instant Games & Apps, World News, etc...

What's this app?

This app is a Progressive Web App (or simply PWA) of Bho!. Install it on any smartphone, tablet or desktop computer — it uses very little storage space and requires no updates. By design, a PWA cannot access your device data or personal information.


Install Bho! PWA in a few seconds — directly from your browser.
Available on::

Android (with Chrome or Samsung Internet),

Windows & macOS (with Chrome or Edge),

iOS (with Safari).

And Bho! is also available on your favorite app store::

Google Play

To Install this PWA now simply click on the Install button at the top of this page.